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    Information on collection and use of personal information (required collection and use items)

    privacy policy of Daegil Agricultural Co., Ltd.
    - We establishes and discloses personal information processing guidelines as follows in order to protect the personal information of data subjects (customers) and to handle complains promptly and smoothly in accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

    1. Purpose of processing personal information
    - We process personal information for the following purposes and does not use it for purposes other than the following.

    2. Processing and retention period of personal information
    - We process and retain personal information within the retention and use period agreed upon when collecting it from the data subject or within retention and use period in accordance with the law. Normally, after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, it is destroyed without delay. Even if the purpose of collecting and using personal information is not achieved, it is destroyed within 14 days.

    3. Providing personal information to third parties
    - We do not provide personal information to a third party except in Article 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the separate consent of the data subject and special provisions of the law.

    4. Consignment of personal information processing
    - We do not outsource personal information processing.

    5. Rights, obligations and exercising methods of data subjects and legal representatives
    - We do not outsource personal information processing.
    1. request to view personal information
    2. request for correction if there are errors in personal information
    3. request to delete
    4. request to stop processing

    6. Personal information contents to process
    - We process the following personal information.
    - name, phone number, mpbile phone number, e-mail address and other information entered directly by data subject

    7. Destroying of personal information
    ① We destroy the personal information without delay when it becomes unnecessary, such as when its retention period has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved.
    ② We destroy personal information in the following ways.
    - Digial files : deleting files and formatting storage devices such as disks
    - Handwritten documents : shredded or burned

    8. Matters related to installation, operation and rejection of automatic personal information collection devices.
    ① We use ‘cookies’ to store usage information and retrieve it from time to time in order to provide cutomized services to users.
    ② Cookiees are the small amount of information sent to the user's computer browser by the server (http) used to run the website and are sometimes stored on the hard disk within the user's PC.
    A. purpose of use of cookies : They are used to provide optimized information to users by identifying the types of visits and using the websites, popular search words and secure access etc.
    B. installation, operation and rejection of cookies: You can reject the storage of cookies through option settings in the Tools>Internet Options>Personal Information menu at the top of your web browser.
    C. If you reject to store cookies, you may have difficulty using customized services.

    9. Personal information protection officer
    - We are responsible for overall management of personal information processing and has designated a personal information protection manager as follows to handle complaints and damage relief from data subjects related to its processing.
    ▶ Personal information protection officer
    Name : Hyejin Joe
    Position : CEO
    Email :

    Customer service center

    +82-61. 751. 0624

    Weekdays AM 10:00 ~ PM 05:00
    Lunch break PM 12:00 ~ PM 01:30

    Due to the plenty of workload and calls, it may be difficult to connect by phone.
    Please contact us via messenger chat during working hours and we will respond as soon as possible.